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Argosy Artificial Intelligence Needs Survey

We value your opinion on the internal promotion and use of Artificial Intelligence software within our company. Your feedback is essential in helping us better understand the company’s actual needs for Artificial Intelligence, enabling us to select tools that best align with our team’s requirements and project objectives. This survey is mandatory, and we kindly request you complete it with careful consideration. Please complete this survey by 11:59 PM PT on February 14, 2025, as it will close at 12:00 AM PT on February 15, 2025.

我们非常重视您对公司内部推广和使用人工智能软件的意见。您的反馈对于帮助我们更好地了解公司对人工智能的实际需求至关重要,从而使我们能够选择最符合团队需求和项目目标的工具。本次调查是强制性的,我们恳请您认真填写。请在 2025 年 2 月 14 日太平洋时间晚上 11:59 之前完成本调查,调查将于 2025 年 2 月 15 日太平洋时间上午 12:00 结束。 

To help clarify the survey questions, we have provided appendices for better understanding. Thank you!


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Your Details (您的详细信息)

Name (名称)
Which Argosy entities do you belong to? ( 您属于Argosy的哪一个实体?)

Applications & Software (应用与软件)

Which communication/meeting software tools do you use at work? (您在工作中使用哪些交流/会议软件工具?)
Which Microsoft applications do you use most frequently (weekly)? 您最常使用哪些微软应用程序 (每周)?
Which web browsers do you use on your work desktop/laptop device(s)? (您在工作桌面设备上使用哪些网络浏览器?)
Which web browsers do you use on your work mobile device(s)? (您在工作移动设备上使用哪些网络浏览器?)
Which Argosy applications/software do you use frequently (weekly)? (您经常 (每周) 使用哪些 Argosy 应用程序/软件?)

What key features do you use most often in this software? (您最常用的软件功能是什么?)

Please list each feature one by one using the '+' symbol on the right hand side of this field. (请使用本栏右侧的 “+”符号逐一列出每项功能)

What challenges do you face when using your current software? (您在使用当前软件或应用程序时面临哪些挑战?)

Please add each challenge one by one using the '+' symbol on the right hand side of this field. (请使用本栏右侧的 “+”符号逐一添加每项挑战)

Work & Daily Tasks (工作和日常任务)

Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)

Refer to the appendix and test the AI tools using the links provided in appendix number 5.

Appendix EN | Appendix CN
Please select the Artificial Intelligence software that you have used. (请在下面选择您使用过的人工智能软件。)
(e.g., data analysis, report generation, email drafting, etc.)

Appendix: Explanation of Survey Question Terms:

1. Software Communication Tools: e.g.: Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, WeChat

Software applications employees use most commonly and frequently for virtual communication within our company. Examples: Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams are widely used for online meetings, calls, and chats. Respondents should indicate which tools they use most frequently for work-related communication.

2. Software Tools: e.g.: Outlook, ERP, Cargowise, Adobe etc.

Software applications employees use most frequently in their day-to-day tasks. Examples: Outlook is typically used for email and calendar management, ERP is used for managing business processes, Cargowise is logistics software, and Adobe tools are used for design and document management. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, , respondents should list all software they rely on in their roles.

3. AI: Artificial Intelligence:

AI refers to machines or software that simulate human intelligence to perform tasks such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.

4. AI software & features

  • Artificial Intelligence software examples: ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot,, Kimi Chat (China), Baidu Wenxin Yiyan(文心一言).
  • For AI features, AI features could include tools that automatically suggest Text generation and writing
    1. Information retrieval and summarization
    2. Translation and language support
    3. Programming and technical assistance
    4. Education and learning support
    5. Productivity tools
    6. Customer service and support
    7. Data analysis and interpretation responses, handle scheduling, or assist with data analysis.
5. AI software website URL for use testing purpose.

Appendix 附录:调查问题术语解释

1.软件通信工具:例如:Zoom、Skype、Microsoft Teams、微信 员工最常用和最频繁使用的虚拟通信软件应用程序。示例:Zoom、Skype和Microsoft Teams广泛用于在线会议、通话和聊天。受访者应指出他们最常用于工作相关通信的工具。

2. 软件工具:例如:Outlook、ERP、CargoWise、Adobe等、员工在日常任务中最常使用的软件应用程序。示例:Outlook通常用于电子邮件和日历管理,ERP用于管理业务流程,Cargowise是物流软件,Adobe工具用于设计和文档管理。Word、Excel、PowerPoint等,受访者应列出他们在工作中依赖的所有软件。

3. 人工智能:人工智能指的是模拟人类智能执行任务的机器或软件,如学习、推理和解决问题。

4. 人工智能软件和功能: 

  • 人工智能软件示例:ChatGPT、Microsoft CoPilot、、Kimi Chat(中国)、百度文心一言(文心一言)。
  • 人工智能功能可以包括自动建议文本生成和写作的工具
  1. 信息检索和总结
  2. 翻译和语言支持
  3. 编程和技术支持
  4. 教育和学习支持
  5. 生产力工具
  6. 客户服务和支持
  7. 数据分析和解释响应,处理日程安排或协助数据分析。

5. 人工智能软件网站URL供测试使用。

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