Argosy Announces Korean Distribution Agreement with JAT

ARGOSY PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE EXCLUSIVE KOREAN DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT WITH JAT FOR CRASH TEST BARRIERS AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS Argosyโs close partnership with JAT offers expertise, experience and knowledge from both companies providing significant benefit to the industry. Benefits include a stronger platform for the products and services based on extensive knowledge of aluminum honeycomb as well […]
MPDB Face Deformable Barrier EURO NCAP 2020 Protocol

ARGOSY is pleased to announce it has now been listed on the Euro NCAP Approved Suppliers List for the Mobile Offset progressive Deformable barrier (MPDB) for overlap tests. Argosy’s MPDB barrier face has been added to the approved list within the relevant documents TB22 and TB29. The ARGOSY MPDB barrier can be utilized for type […]
Argosy Releases AE-MDB Crash Test Barrier

The side-impact test consists of a 1300 kg trolley impact on the driverโs side of the test vehicle (1400 kg in far-side occupant protection). The trolley is equipped with AE-MDB barrier, which aims to simulate the front of the impacting vehicle. Learn More
ARGOSY Offset Deformable Barrier Frontal Impact IIHS Supplier
New York, USA, August 23, 2018 – ARGOSY is pleased to announce it is now one of the suppliers to IIHS for the Offset Deformable Barrier (ODB) developed under EEVC-WG11 for overlap tests. IIHS will accept verification tests from car makers using ARGOSY Offset Deformable Barriers. The ODB Barrier face is the first barrier developed […]
Argosy Expands Its Commercial-grade Aluminum And Aramid Honeycomb Core Capabilities
JEC Composites article highlighting Argosy’s expansion of its commercial-grade aluminum and aramid honeycomb core capabilities with the construction of its facility in Huntsville, Alabama. New capabilities include a carefully designed cutting room (vertical band saw), industrial dust collection system, expander table, and a staging area for materials. (As published in JEC Composites Magazine, #109, […]
Argosy Opens New Facility To Expand Honeycomb Core Market
New York, NY: Argosy International Inc., a leading supplier in materials related to the global aerospace industry, has started construction of their new 39,000 square foot honeycomb core facility to be strategically located in Alabama close to the new Airbus and Boeing aero clusters in the Southeastern USA. Argosy’s commercial grade aluminum honeycomb core is […]